About our data formats


All Precip endpoints offer three different user selectable data formats:

  • geojson: As close to a standard geospatial format as it gets. Will work with many mapping tools.
  • csv: Open with the data tool of your choice - Excel, Sheets, Pandas, and more.
  • json: "Table style json" is our best effort to make a format easy to use in a table style interface.

Time labels

Understanding time intervals can sometimes be a challenge when dealing with weather data. Precip uses a consistant pattern in order to simplify working with data provided by our API.

Precip endpoints always return a startTime label in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ).

Hourly values are startTime to startTime + 1 hour. Daily data will always have a startTime aligned to 12:00:00Z with measurements aggregating data from startTime to startTime + 24 hours.