Are you using rainfall data to make decisions for your business? Book a live demo to see how Precip can improve your operation.
Rainfall is highly variable, even over small distances. It's not uncommon for one location to get multiple inches of rain, while another location just 10 minutes away gets almost none. If you're operating large machinery, planning a fleet deployment, or using rain data to make agronomy decisions, this can make a huge difference to your operation.
Precip rain accumulation data is not a forecast—it's a precise estimate of actual rainfall based on remote observation. Using high-precision, remotely-sensed rainfall data gives you gauge-level rainfall precision for as many locations as you need, without the hassle of installing and maintaining your own rain gauges.
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We use local, high-resolution data calibrated using tens of thousands of gauges as well as satellite and radar data not available when forecasts were made. We then use machine learning to combine and calibrate the data into the most accurate precipitation estimates available.
Currently we support the entire US lower 48. We're working on expanding coverage to parts of Canada, Mexico, and the rest of the world.
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Usage of the Precip API is subject to our Terms of Service.
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